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Final Project: Building map application using Java and Processing library

In this assignment, programming techniques using Processing are being used to visualize physiological measurements and Tweets from Twitter data in eclipse software. Processing is a programming language and environment based on Java programming language (Oracle, 2010). Processing is used to map visual abstractions such as maps or diagrams interactively and is widely used in various disciplines for scientific visualization.

The datasets are connected to the OGC WFS and PostgreSQL Tweets database respectively:



  • Tweets PostgresSQL DB address:;

  • Port: 5432

  • DB name: lv856152_153

  • Table name: twitter (schema “resch”)

  • User: sgroup01 – sgroup08 (one for each group)

  • Password: salzach2017$.


The goal of this assignment is the creation of a comprehensive Java program and methodology to implement and visualize real time tweets and its physical measurements to Processing, visualize the heartrate “values” as real time display by colouring the heartrate elements according to their value. Tweets were also visualized according to the time they were tweeted through different colors, and Integrate background map to processing display. Full code can be accessed in Github repository here.

output 1.JPG
out 3.JPG

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